Meet a Mama!

Meet a Mama!

Soooo... here at Blueberry Co we've been busting to introduce you to a few of our amazing customers so you can see what they get up to!! We're surround by so many amazing families exploring the world and creating magical memories with their little people!

Taneyha is a wonderful mum of two girls and one of my Instagram sistas! She's been an amazing support to Blueberry Co and takes the most amazing photos! You can check out her Instagram account here.


Tell us a bit about you and your family:
Hey! My name is Taneyha (tar-nay-ya), I'm 29 (and totally freaking about the big three-oh), an emergency nurse by definition, but I much prefer to think of my main role as a's by far the most fun, scary, exhilarating, frightening and rewarding job role I've ever had! I met my hubby almost 13 years ago, and we have been married six years this December...young love! We have two girls, Indi Rose (2.5) and Elke Rain (5 months). Indi is crazy! She is so full of life. I've never met anyone who makes me laugh as much as she does. Elke is the opposite, she is so laid back, calm, happy and peaceful...we've nicknamed her smiley. I always wanted my very own girl gang, and although i'd love to say our family is complete, I can't quite say I'm ready to shut up shop!


Admiring her sisters Monochrome Baby Book

We’re all about the memories here at Blueberry Co. What’s your most treasured memory of time with your children?

I grew up in the United States and my hubby in New a child, I had more stamps in my passport than most adults as we travelled a lot for my dads work. I was fortunate enough to experience the most amazing sights and adventures with my family and that is something hubby and I are so passionate about providing to our children (If only our parents had a memory book like we do where they could have recorded these amazing memories). We try and take the girls on a holiday every year, somewhere calm and peaceful where we can all unwind and enjoy each others company. Our happy place is Hawaii, Indi has been twice already and Elke once in utero hehe. Our last trip was March this year. Indi was old enough to really enjoy the beach and pool...she's a little fish! We are hoping to get back next year with Elke and create some more memories on our first holiday as a family of four.


Tell us something small you’ve done with your child/children that you’d love to record in one of our memory books?

Well we haven't done it yet, but...Indi is being surprised with tickets to the Wiggles Concert, an early Christmas presents. I'm making her costume, Emma of course. I can't wait to see her face when she realises where we are and what is about to happen! This will definitely be one for the Memory Book!


Sibling love!!

What books do you have and what do you love about our Memory Books?

We have all three! The Monochrome Baby Book was our first, followed by Adventures with Dad (which the girls gave to their daddy for Father's Day), and My Grandparents and Me. I love that they are 100% customisable! I really enjoy getting creative and using paints, stickers and pens to decorate the books. We also had a great tip from BlueBerry Co to have all our Instagram pictures printed with Picture Postie, so when Instagram is long forgotten in the future, at least our memories won't be!


What’s a tip you would give to other families trying to spend quality time with their kids:

Although we love holidaying in Hawaii, like most families we're on a tight budget. We aim to take the girls on a new adventure at least once a month...inexpensive, but all about introducing them to different sights and experiences. Recently we spent the day at Centennial Park in Sydney and Indi loved feeding the eels (the ducks were MIA), and only yesterday we spent the day at the park and had a picnic lunch. Try and make time at least once a month where you spend the day together as a family and place the focus on something the kids would love to do. We're forever dragging them around with us on our day to day errands, so it's nice to stop and make them feel super special and appreciated.

 The Monochrome Baby Book

My Grandparents and Me Memory Book

Have you been creative with your memory book? Tell us your tips.

Watercolour paints! So easy and simple to use, and anyone can look like an artist when they paint with watercolour. The Memory Books are great for using watercolours on as the pages are nice and thick, so they don't bleed through...just make sure your paintbrush isn’t soaking wet. I also love using washi tape to fix down our photos. Kmart have some gorgeous colours and patterns and they are so cheap! We're also obsessed with pink in this house, so we always record our memories with a pink pen (we use the pink gel pens from Kikki K).


What’s something you’d like to do in the future with your child/children?

Whilst we'd love to take the girls to Hawaii again, we're planning on taking a road trip up to QLD this Christmas break to visit family...wish us luck haha! We're also planning a trip to Greece next year for my 30th to visit family and relax on the islands. 


Tell us the next product you’d like to see us create:

Definitely a travel diary! A place where we can record places we stayed, things we saw, foods we ate and people we met!


The Monochrome Baby Book - modern fun stylish

 The Monochrome Baby Book - modern unisex baby book


If you love our books and you'd like to be featured on our blog- please email Chloe at xoxo

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