How do I colour in my cover?

How do I colour in my cover?
Yay! So, you’ve decided to jump in and colour the cover of your Blueberry Co memory books. That’s great! Here are my top tips.
Our Blueberry Co books have a flexible card cover with a protective plastic coating to protect the books, so you’ll need to use permanent markers (like Sharpies) to colour in your cover. Remember, permanent markers are alcohol based so they will bleed through the internal pages of your books. They are for your cover only.
Inside our Blueberry Co Baby Book Club, the ladies are using a range of permanent markers (BIC, Sharpies and even cheap no-brand Kmart sets). They all seem pretty good and do the job well with some small differences. If you’ve made a mistake with permanent markers, alcohol wipes do the trick to remove the ink!
You can watch my IGTV review of Kmart Permanent Markers Vs Sharpies here:
You can also use pencils on the cover of your Blueberry Co books, however the colour isn’t as vibrant. We always recommend testing on the back cover first! If you’re not sure where to start, come and join our Blueberry Co Baby Book Club and ask the 13K+ members.
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